Thursday, December 24, 2009

so much to do... so little time.... so let's throw in a little tile job just to add a little bit more stress

we have been crazy busy trying to get ready for christmas and for the family that's coming the day after. so while i've been busy shopping, cleaning and making christmas treats larry has been busy doing this....

tiling the kids bathroom. when we moved in one of the first items on our must do list was to tile the bathrooms. well 7 years later we finally got it done. and i love the way it turned out. now i am even more excited to get our bathroom done ;)
man am i lucky to be married to such a talented man

Thursday, December 17, 2009

just a little sampling......

a few weeks ago our friend kendria took on the ever so difficult task of family pictures. we knew going into it that lily would probably make the task challenging. she did not disappoint. this picture pretty well sums up her attitude about the whole thing
these boots are made for walking, no make that running, as far away from you as i can
somehow, even when she pouts she is a cutie!

we had so many great pictures to choose from it's been really hard to make a decision. but here are a few of our favorites.

yes, we did get lily to smile - a couple of times

love the boots!

this is probably one of the nicest pictures we have ever had of the two of us together

since this was kind of like tackling lily thought it was great

bells and her daddy

brendan and his tough guy face

my two hunks

so sweet

the king on his throne surrounded by his courtiers

thanks kendria for hanging in there and doing such a great job!!
i still haven't decided which pictures to hang in the house!
they are that good!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

christmas tree adventure

saturday was our annual traipse through the forest to find the perfect christmas tree adventure. and let's just say that the day did not disappoint. it started off with me deciding that i wanted to have a little lesson in pulling the trailer. i was driving up the mountain, concentrating so hard on keeping the trailer in my own lane that i missed a speed limit change sign - right in front of an officer. well, according to him i missed like 3, but i'm sticking to my thought that it had to be just one. nothing like a little traffic ticket to set the mood for the day ;)
the best part is that our friend dana, who was also in pursuit of the perfect tree, was with us. her nephew had just sent flat stanley to her so we had to get a picture of him with the officer to make an accurate documentation of his adventure in colorado.
the kids enjoyed frolicking in the snow
meanwhile larry and i continued the quest
we finally found this one. the bottom was pretty sparse, but the top looked nice and full

carrying it out of the forest proved to be a little bit difficult. lily and brooke were completely done with the whole adventure and were being less than cooperative. so dana and i took the girls back to the car and told larry we would be back to help him and brendan pull it out. thankfully by the time we were ready to go back to help, he already had it on the side of the road. currently it remains undecorated. hopefully by the end of the weekend it will be beautiful.