Thursday, December 3, 2009

christmas tree adventure

saturday was our annual traipse through the forest to find the perfect christmas tree adventure. and let's just say that the day did not disappoint. it started off with me deciding that i wanted to have a little lesson in pulling the trailer. i was driving up the mountain, concentrating so hard on keeping the trailer in my own lane that i missed a speed limit change sign - right in front of an officer. well, according to him i missed like 3, but i'm sticking to my thought that it had to be just one. nothing like a little traffic ticket to set the mood for the day ;)
the best part is that our friend dana, who was also in pursuit of the perfect tree, was with us. her nephew had just sent flat stanley to her so we had to get a picture of him with the officer to make an accurate documentation of his adventure in colorado.
the kids enjoyed frolicking in the snow
meanwhile larry and i continued the quest
we finally found this one. the bottom was pretty sparse, but the top looked nice and full

carrying it out of the forest proved to be a little bit difficult. lily and brooke were completely done with the whole adventure and were being less than cooperative. so dana and i took the girls back to the car and told larry we would be back to help him and brendan pull it out. thankfully by the time we were ready to go back to help, he already had it on the side of the road. currently it remains undecorated. hopefully by the end of the weekend it will be beautiful.


Jandi said...

sounds fun. wish we could have come along for the adventures. i love your new pictures on the side. where are the rest of them from that photo shoot?

Where The Wilds Things Are said...

I love the picture of Flat funny. Sorry you got a ticket!

Kendria said...

I love FLAT STANLEY... and the cop in the background. That is too funny! Dana got the perfect picture.

Audra said...

ha ha. always an adventure. How much was the ticket?

Audra said...

hey great family pictures! Wow Kendria!

Angela Henderson said...

Sorry about the ticket. We have a flat KK that comes with us when the reall KK cant be there. Maybe we could introduce Flat Stanley and Flat KK??? HEE HEE Even though Flat KK is only 7 years old!