Sunday, January 10, 2010

christmas 09

we had a great christmas this year.
here is a rundown of the favorite gifts
every three year old needs a giant candybar. even though i told "santa" she didn't need one, it magically appeared in her stocking. i guess "santa" knows best
the girls were dying, crying and sighing for zhu zhu pets. i looked for months. my mom and her friends looked for months. finally i found some three days before christmas. the best part; these things are highly, highly breakable.

so while the joy on their faces made it worth while at the time. i'd like to have a serious conversation with the makers of these fine toys.

brendan desperately wanted a guitar. he starts lessons with mike the guitar guru this week. he is so excited!!


Olivia said...

Brendan already looks like he will be a natural! That candy bar-giving santa needs a sugared up three year old at his house to teach him a lesson. I'd be a little ticked at santa if he gave my three year old that HUGE, HUGE chocolate bar!! WOW! Glad you finally found the zhu zhu pets...hopefully they will improve the craftmanship before next christmas when my kids decide they need them.

kim said...

Looks like the kids had a great Christmas. You will have to tell me about the Zhu Zhu pets. Are they really all they are cracked up to be? Glad Santa was so sweet to you guys!