Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Four Wheeling Anyone?

We are a four wheeling family. Everyone in our family loves to ride. We decided to make Memorial Day our first major four wheeling adventure of the year. So we packed up all our gear, called some friends and headed for the mountains. We started out at the crack of dawn, way too early for a holiday but we wanted to make sure that we got a good spot to set up our "camp" for the day. As we pulled out of town we were really nervous because the sky was really dark and you could feel the rain in the air. Luckily when we got to our destination it was colder than what we would have liked but there was no rain and when the sun was out it was actually really nice. The drive up took a little bit longer than what I remembered it being last time and we were all really anxious to ride once we got there. As we pulled into our favorite campsite I immediately noticed that the people there had a very large, very scary pitbullish looking dog. He would provide us with a couple of scares throughout the day, but luckily no injuries occured. With some finagling we were all able to go out together on the first ride. And Brendan got to ride up the trail on his own for the first time. He did really well and kept up with everyone. Most of these pictures are not from yesterday but from a smaller adventure we took a few weeks ago. Like I said, we all really like to ride. It's hard to tell from the incredibly large helmet that covers most of her face but this is Bella's intense riding pose. She is actually the best rider out of our kids. And no she does not get to ride that one by herself. That one is actually mine. And I put that mud there myself thank you very much.

People ask me all the time what we do to entertain our kids when we go out four wheeling and they are not riding. We are blessed to have kids that love the outdoors and that are easily entertained. They always manage to find something to occupy their time. Yesterday the first thing the kids did once we parked was run straight up this big hill next to the camp. Towards the top they found a lizard. For the rest of the day, when they weren't riding that lizard was their project. They were determined to catch it and since it was a smart little lizard it took many different tries. And once it was caught they had fun carrying it around and showing it off to everyone. Now lucky for us, our kids were not the leaders of the lizard catching crew so we didn't have to worry about what was going to happen to the lizard when we left. Unlike the time we were in Moab and Brendan caught a crawfish, named it Shelly and carried it around for two days until the poor thing finally gave up and moved on to a better place. Shelly was a good little crawfish, stinky but good. So the lizard went for a ride down the mountain and apparently is now on display at the kids elementary school where the science teacher Ms. Bone (the most perfect name for a science teacher ever!) thinks it is expecting. How fun!

This is the kids four wheeler. It will go pretty fast but Larry has it adjusted down for our kiddos. Can't have them going full force down the trail!

Brooke loves to ride but she is still too small to ride on her own. She kept bugging Larry yesterday to show her how to ride the kids four wheeler. "I can do it Dad" she kept saying over and over. It didn't work. So she had to be content bumming rides off everyone else. Luckily no one really minded. The camp that we were at has this really cool hill leading into it with three different paths in. The older kids entertained themselves for a long time just riding around that area taking the smaller kids for rides.

Anytime there was a four wheeler sitting with no one on it Lily was right there to climb on up. She kept trying to start them determined to take a little ride on her own. I have a feeling she will be one tough rider someday. For the first time in awhile Larry and I were both able to ride without kids going wherever the path lead. Larry went out with the men and came back covered in mud and soaking wet from going through puddles. Then it was my turn. We had so much fun. I gave my fellow riders a little scare because I hit a turn too fast and had to go up the side a little bit and cross over the path and down the ravine to keep from tipping. But I was so proud of myself for not panicking and keeping things under control. However, I did lose my spot as leader for a little bit. I don't think they trusted me to set the pace. But after awhile we were all cutting lose and having a great time and I got my leader spot back. For a little bit anyway.

We had a great time riding yesterday. One of our best adventures so far. And we packed things up and left at just the right time. Less than 15 miles away, going down the mountain the rain started. This was how it looked as we started down. It was so beautiful, driving through the clouds. Today we are all a little bit sore, and a little bit tired but looking forward to the next time we can go and ride!