Monday, December 29, 2008

riding in the car with lil's

i love the conversations we have with our kids in the car. they are always so random. the other day larry and i were running errands and somehow, miraculously, only had lily with us. here is a sample of our conversations.

lil - knock knock
me - who's there
lil - banana
me - banana who
lil - banana giggle giggle giggle

lil - look out we're going to crash
me - we are not going to crash
lil - yes we are. here we go! (insert high pitch squeal here) giggle giggle giggle


Olivia said...

LOL! I can totally imagine her saying those things. She is so funny!

Kendria said...

I am so ready for conversations like these. They are so funny!

Anonymous said...

Your car conversations sound like ours, however, we have 2 knock, knock jokes going at all times. They are their favorite things to make up while in the car.

tjayandjulie said...

Found your blog, Love it! You are so funny. Lilly sure does keep you on your toes. That crash story is hilarious.