Saturday, February 21, 2009

you know it's windy when....

your grill takes a spill.

it's been windy here all week. have a mentioned before how much i hate wind?? yesterday the wind was out of control. i had to do some grocery shopping late in the afternoon and the wind was so strong that it pulled some of the lighter bags out of the trunk, carried them for a couple of feet and then dumped the contents into the parking lot. complete craziness! then our poor grill got knocked over by it. i kept looking around for the twister. it felt very dorothy right before she gets carried out of kansas - ish. the best though was the other day when a giant piece of cardboard came flying at me while we were driving down the road. but that actually was a little bit more "twister" with the cow flying across the road now that i think of it.


Natalie said...

SERIOUSLY hasn't the wind been crazy lately?! the line about the cow and the twister made me laugh - i'll keep my eyes out.

Laura Campbell said...

Yikes! I can't say I miss the weather there. :-)

Olivia said...

It was so bad on Friday driving up to WEstminster. I thought my little car was going to lift off the road! I was white-knuckling the steering wheel all the way there. But look how nice it was today?! See, colorado weather may make us angry, but it does always come around to apologize and make up for it very quickly :)