Friday, February 26, 2010

things that make you go hmmmm......

one of my gifts this year from my m.i.l. was this.
i have to confess that when i opened it i was a bit perplexed.
what is it exactly?
on the surface it looks like a doily.
but it has all these snaps on it.
i talked to my s.i.l. colleen and asked her what it was.
"a really pretty doily. you know what a doily is right?"
well, yes i knew what a doily was but that didn't explain the snaps.
then my m.i.l. called and asked me how i liked the gift.
i told her it was beautiful.
"do you know what it is?"
"why no i do not"
so she explained it to me.
have you already figured it out??
it holds a dozen rolls.
she received one from her s.i.l. a few years ago when they were serving the church in switzerland.
i could have stared at that thing for days and not figured out it's purpose.
i do love the display it creates though.
thanks mom!


Where The Wilds Things Are said...

I would have never guessed its real purpose. It looks really pretty with rolls in it.

Olivia said...

gluten has never looked so beautiful!

Unknown said...

I knew what it was, but only because your m.i.l. introduced it to my when we were neighbors!!

Laura said...

the post from Emmitt was really from me. I guess I was still signed in on Emmitt's account

Ruth said...

That is a really pretty way to display rolls.

Audra said...

wow! that's cool!

Jami said...

that is a really good idea. I like it.

Kendria said...

Nope- had NO clue what that was. But now I am jealous!