Monday, February 22, 2010

valleytines day

lilies from my sweetie

i love it when valentines day is on the weekend. it just seems like you can enjoy it a little bit more ya know? there's no stress trying to find a sitter on a weeknight or making sure the hubby will be home on time. it's just more peaceful.

this year, larry and i went out to dinner with friends and then hit the stake valentines dance. it was a lot of fun. but i have to say that it would be more fun if i really knew how to dance


so now i have a new goal.
learn some serious dance moves so that next year i don't feel like such a dork.

as with any holiday, the kids made it more enjoyable with their comments:

Brendan: I'm glad i'm not in love with anyone so I don't have to worry about this stuff.

Bella: Someone gave me a little bracelet in my valentine box. I hope it's not (name with held for privacy) cause I don't really like him.

Brooke: This valentine is for (same deal as above), he's SOOOO cute.

Lily: I hope I get some legs for my pillow Lou Lou. She had legs, but they got taken off.
Poor Lou Lou


Ruth said...

The flowers are pretty and I am sure they smell good too. Great comments, so did Lou Lou get new legs?

Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

ruth - poor lou lou did not get new legs. i don't really sew so i'm thinking she is just going to be the legless owl pillow

Jami said...

I love their valentines. That is cute. It was a fun dance!

Dana said...

How cute! It was a fun night out and I definitely have to join you for dance lessons,lol.

Olivia said...

Your kids are hilariously clever and I love them so. I'm right there with you--as in, not a great dancer, but I agree, I need to learn some moves too. First on my list is the worm. ;)

Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

liv - you wicked girl you - we will both be "worming" our way across the floor.

dana - i say we get dan to teach us both, and larry some couples dances

Jandi said...

fun times... let's hope it isn't another year before we get to dance again.

Kendria said...

Poor Pillow Lou Lou- If only she had legs! London's Lou Lou Pillow doesn't have any legs either, if that will make Lily feel better. I love VDAY on the weekend too... I bet you have MAD skills on the dance floor hiding inside you somewhere!