i have always wanted to be a storm chaser. you know, those crazy people that drive towards a tornado instead of away like a smart person. well - today we had a crash course in storm chasing and i gotta say that if i could do it without my kids - IT WOULD TOTALLY ROCK!
so here's the deal. due to a little drama we were running a little bit late to church. right as we put everyone in the car the tornado sirens start going off. larry steps out to the street to check things out and says that he doesn't see anything but the sky looks really ominous. we decide to go ahead and head towards church. as soon as we hit hampden, which for those of you that don't live around here the road is less than 2 miles from our house, we see a funnel cloud. it was so awesome! we could see it from dip down from the clouds and slowly extend it's slender finger towards the ground. we pulled off to the side of the road and just watched it form and change shape. it would get closer to the ground and then pull up and then stretch back out again getting closer and closer to touching down. then we actually saw a little debris cloud for a couple of seconds before it pulled back up. while larry and i are thinking this is one of the coolest things we have ever seen all three girls are crying hysterically begging larry to drive as fast as he can away from it. so we decided to head back toward the house and get everyone under cover in the basement.
du-nuh, du-nuh, du-nuh, nuh, du-nuh, du-nuh, du-nuh, nah, NUH! (That was the wicked witch of the west tornado theme, in case you couldn't tell). Tammy, you would make a SICK storm chaser. you and Larry as a team. It's the next big reality TV show hit! Except I think that you'd get more ratings if you included the three screaming girls in the car. Cuz that sounded hilarious (and sad). Good on you for going with the motherly instinct and getting those kids in the basement though. Very cool pictures too!
I also think you would make an awesome storm chaser. I loved reading that you and Larry enjoyed this experience so much while your girls on the other hand were terrified. ; )
Cool pics...
I would be your sidekick storm chaser. I would love to do that as well. The had all of us at church go into the cultural hall to wait it out. They werent letting people go near the windows. I wanted to go outside to see it sooooooooooo bad. Thanks for the picture.
Great pictures. A little bit scary for it to be so close to your house.
Part of thinks that it would be fun to chase storms as well...it was fun at the church too...What most people don't know is that the funnel actually was RIGHT OVER the church building when it started to form. Kerrie had gone out to the bathroom with Ross when the siren went off. She came back into the chapel and says..."there's a tornado outside!" which of course, causes a little bit of commotion with those that heard what she said. Ross and Brother Jones go outside to investigate and they see it right over the building over the primary room. So they go tell the bishop, who then runs outside. Then runs back in and interrupts Brother Sellers who is bearing his testimony. we had a closing prayer and then we all head into the cultural hall...made for a pretty interesting day.
That's so awesome that you saw all that. You would make a cool storm chaser. I imagine you would be like Helen Hunt in "Twister." Sweet pictures!!
Holy cow that is sooo awesome!! I'm with you, damage, not so cool, but I would have LOVED to have seen that!!! It was even on our local news last night!
Great pictures. I agree, that is so funny with the firls crying in the back and you and Larry just enjoying the tornado:)
I didn't know it got that low or that close to the neighborhood, scary. Good pictures, Tammy.
So I just heard about this yesterday! I must have been in church when all this happened! Crazy! We had one by our house last year. Steve and I were on the deck watching, and my girls kept screaming for us to come in. Fortunately it only touched down in the open space! Makes for an exciting day though.
OK storm chaser girl. Last night I heard on the news that you can go on storm chases from the safety of your house. There are some storm chasers that chase tornados in Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska that transmit their chase live. You go to KDVR.com and then click on iMAP. It will take you to a map of the country and then you can find out where the largest chances are and where the storm chasers are. If you click on the icon on the map for the team and they are chasing a storm, you can feel like you are in the car with them chasing the storm...but you won't have the girls in the back crying.
CRAZY! I can't believe Southlands got hit. I am glad it didn't touch down by your house.
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