Wednesday, June 17, 2009

that is not poo

i've had a blood blister on my finger for the last several days. lily just noticed it yesterday and is completely obsessed with it. this is our conversation over and over and over again

"mommy there's poo on your finger. you need to go wash it off"

"no lily it's not poo, it's an owie"

"it looks like poo to me. let's go wash it"

twenty minutes later, we start it all over again. kind of reminds me of the movie groundhog day.


Olivia said...

BWAHAHahahaha! ROFL! That lily is a crack up. Hope your owie gets better soon :(

Angela Henderson said...

That is so funny! I want to see it. We are going garage selling this sat. at 7. You should come with! Im addicted now.

Kendria said...

That is hilarious. I love little kids. Poo on fingers are icky... they would know.