Monday, June 22, 2009

who would of thought

that these things would bring hours of entertainment???

we were in the store. brendan had a friend that was spending the night with him and they spotted these things. instantly the begging started. please oh please oh please. i absolutely hate how they line the checkout isles with all this crazy kid tempting stuff. and by the time you get to the checkout your so worn down from saying no 50 times already, it really isn't even a fair fight. so the kids won that round. i thought for sure that they would play with them for 20 mins at the most and then move onto something else. not true!! they played with those silly things all night and then started up with them first thing in the morning. so - if you are looking for a good, cheap summer entertainment item, may i recommend the squirmies. it's great nonmessy fun. a hit with all ages. true the older kids will understand how to get it to do tricks better than the little ones but the little ones can take it on walks and pet it. just be careful of the eyes, they are easily pulled off by little hands. not that we would know or anything...... lily would never defile a squirmie like that.


Olivia said...

what in the gadzooks is that? I have never seen those. And I'm sure Lily would sooner spray febreeze onto an open flame before she would defile a squirmie. Oh...Wait. poor, poor squirmie.

kim cherry said...

and kyle is STILL playing with that crazy thing!! he loves it...seriously loves it.

Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

liv - a squirmie is like a pipe cleaner except fuzzier and totally quishy. it has a string attached to it that is almost invisible so you can make it do tricks like weaving in and out of things, jumping, climbing. j* would love it