Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Pedicure Like No Other

Who doesn't love a good pedicure?? I know I do. Apparently there is a new kind of pedicure available here in the US. Instead of nice ladies massaging your feet and removing dry skin with razors hundreds of toothless fish eat away the dead skin.

I just don't know what to think about that one.


Olivia said...

Ummm, yeah. I know what I think. That's disturbing, gross and very, very strange. I want to know who comes up with these ideas..."Hey, instead of using loffahs and such to get rid of dead skin and the like on people's feet, we should see if fish will eat it instead!" Blaeeaachh! Ewww, gross!

Jenn said...

This is a joke, right? PLEASE? OH MY GOSH!

Adventures In The Land Of Hahl said...

Believe it or not this is not a joke! There is a salon in Alexandria, VA that does it and it's very popular. Personally just the thought grosses me out!!

Leah said...

okay so that would freak me out!

Kendria said...

It would take a piranha to eat off all the dead skin on my feet... Those little toothless fishies look a little too nice for my feet... still it would be kind of cool to try- Let me know if you do it! I will go with you!