Sunday, June 8, 2008

50 Things About Me - Installment 1

I was blog cruising, and someone had a running list of 100 things about themselves to be completed over a span of a year. Sounded like a fun thing to do so I decided to give it a try. However, the thought of coming up with 100 seemed a little bit daunting so I narrowed it down to 50. Here is the first installment.

50). I hate rain! In the midwest growing up I loved the smell of rain. But as an adult I hate rain. If it's raining, I will stay inside at all costs.
49). I do however love lightening. I love how it lights up the sky with it's chaotic fingers flying.
48.) I detest scrambled eggs. I don't know if it's some weird repressed childhood memory or what but the minute they land on my tongue I want to spit them right back out. If I am in a situation where I am forced to eat them (ex. setting a good example for my kiddos) I choke them down as fast as I possibly can and try to mask the taste with strong condiments.
47.) My favorite season is fall. Especially in the midwest because the trees are so alive with colors. And I love the smell of fall, which is really just piles of dead, decaying leaves. Gross to think about I know but what can I say, I love that smell!
46.) I could eat a whole pan of brownies by myself in one sitting.
45.) I love the fact that I grew up in a really small, one stoplight town. I could run with the neighbor kids from dawn till dusk and there was no worry about someone stealing me.
44.) I love that growing up my best friend was just a few houses down the street. So many good memories! I could do a whole separate post on the crazy things we did back then.
43.) I love to read, but don't do it very often because it consumes my life. I can't care for my children, husband or house if I am in the middle of reading a book. Everyone must fend for themself until the last word on the last page is read and fully absorbed into my cranium.
42.) I hate surprises!
41.) I am a terrible speller.
40.) I love snow. I love how fluffy it is and I love how peaceful it makes the world look.