This is the same side after the elevation change.
According to the paper the traffic is slow going, but people are making it across. There was major flooding in this same area back in 93 but they are predicting this flood will be worse. My parents still have a home in Warsaw, however most of the town is on a bluff. So their home will be fine as will most of the town. There is an area that we called the bottoms and those residents will not fair so well. The river is always very close there so at flood level it will be inside their home it's just a matter of how far up the water will go. There is some concern about the water filtration system because the crest level expected is so high. Currently I don't have any pictures of the flood waters in Nauvoo. But for those of you that have been there the water is up on Parley street; where the saints crossed the river into Iowa, but it is not into any of the historical sites. But my mother in law told me this morning that the water is into her beauticians yard. Larry's parents house is up on a bluff as well so they should be fine. It's just sad to see the destruction that the flood waters cause. This last picture is of the lock and dam at Keokuk. You can see that the water is just a few feet shy of covering the top.
The bridge in the background is the old bridge that we crossed when I was a kid. That thing was terrifying! The top surface is a grate so you can see through it to the river. And it's a swing bridge so there is a large section that swings out when a barge comes through so you would periodically get stuck on the bridge. Everytime we got stuck I was convinced that the bridge was going to fall apart and that we were going to crash into a watery grave. Sometimes my brothers would get out of the car and walk around but I never did. I was too chicken. To this day I still don't think I could do it!
wow tammy! i didn't realize that was all so close to your hometown! i am glad to hear that your family is safe, as are their homes. i hope they stay that way.
I am so glad too that your family is ok. Where did you get the pics? That can be so scary, I am glad we do no have to worry about that here-but I still hope your family will be safe.
CRAZY! I hope the historical sites in Nauvoo stay safe. I love Nauvoo!
How stressful that must be for those residents. Thanks for the info and the pictures, Tammy. Glad to hear your family is faring well through it all.
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